Hearthstone Newest Expansion, Scholomance Academy, to Introduce Dual Class Cards

Hearthstone Newest Expansion, Scholomance Academy, to Introduce Dual Class Cards

Hearthstone Newest Expansion, Scholomance Academy, to Introduce Dual Class Cards

Blizzard Entertainment have announced the next Hearthstone expansion – Scholomance Academy, which will be released somewhere in August. The expansion will introduce 135 new cards, 40 of which will be Dual Class.

The Dual Class cards is the main addition of the expansion – these cards combine mechanics of two different classes. There are 10 class combinations: Druid/Hunter, Hunter/Demon Hunger, Demon Hunter/Warlock, Warlock/Priest, Priest/Paladin, Paladin/Warrior, Warrior/Rogue, Rogue/Mage, Mage/Shaman, Shaman/Druid.

The expansion also introduces a new keyword Spellburst and a new type of spells Studies. Spellburst cards have a one-time effect that activates when a skill is used. The Studies cards allow you to discover a card immediately and also reduce the mana cost of the next card you play of that type.

The expansion is already available for pre-purchase in two variants – the Basic Bundle costs $49.99 and includes 55 card packs, while the Mega Bundle, available for $79.99, includes 85 packs, 5 of which are Golden packs, filled with Golden cards. The Mega Bundle also features one random golden legendary card from the new expansion, the Kel’Thuzad Mage Hero, the Kel'Thuzad card back, and a Tavern Pass, which includes 4 Arena tickets.