Next Hearthstone Update to Nerf Demon Hunter and Rogue

Next Hearthstone Update to Nerf Demon Hunter and Rogue

Next Hearthstone Update to Nerf Demon Hunter and Rogue

Hearthstone developers have announced the balance changes included to the next update, with Demon Hunter and Rogue being the most affected classes. The update will be released on July 14th. The changes to the cards are listed below.


Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

  • The cost of received Dragon cards increased from 0 to 1.


Corsair Cache

  • Now gives the weapon +1 Durability instead of +1/+1.

Demon Hunter


  • Damage of the Hero Power decreased to 4 from 5.

Kayn Sunfury

  • Health decreased to 4 from 5.

Warglaives of Azzinoth

  • Cost increased to 6 from 5.



  • Cost increased to 7 from 6.


Fungal Fortunes

  • Cost increased to 3 from 2.


Galakrond, the Nightmare

  • Cost of received card increased to 1 from 0.

Galakrond, the Apocalypse

  • Cost of received cards increased to 1 from 0.

Galakrond, Azeroth’s End

  • Cost of received cards increased to 1 from 0.

Once patch 17.6 is live, the craftable cards affected by the changes will be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks. Besides that, the developers are working on adjustments for the Battlegrounds mode – they will be revealed at a future date.